Mail-Order Bride Magnates Submit Messy Divorce

We never turn-down an account about a wedding between union business specialists dissolving, but it is infrequently these stories come with a tidy example about online safety. The husband-and-wife co-founders of Dream Marriage — an “online intercontinental relationship solution”

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— make an excellent case for never, previously discussing your password,
. Not really if you’ve been married for ten years and built the Ukrainian/Russian matchmaking service together from the surface up. Relating to

Courthouse News

, Nevadan Ilia N. Zavialov is suing estranged spouse Anastasia Popova for allegedly emptying $1.2 million from desired Marriage, $740,000 from it in cash. According to him she “never fully and prompt communicated” her need to end the matrimony and alternatively changed the password on their PayPal account and diverted all records receivable to accounts the guy could not access.

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